Homeowners and home buyers prefer a fireplace, but there are many reasons to choose gas or wood, and it all boils down to personal preference, convenience, and efficiency.Gas Vs. Wood - Prince Frederick MD - Chesapeake Chimney

Gas Products

Many homeowners choose gas fireplace products because of their ease of use, but they are also the most efficient option, the easiest to install, and the most versatile.

  • Easy Installation.
    Gas fireplaces, log sets, and stoves are easy to install. They can be installed into an existing masonry fireplace and a faulty chimney can even be bypassed to save money.
  • Convenience of Use.
    Many gas products have a simple push-button start and stop. They don’t require buying pellets or cutting, hauling, or stacking wood.
  • Low Maintenance.
    A gas fireplace requires minimal cleaning. They produce no ash and very little soot and creosote. An annual chimney inspection and chimney sweep as needed is sufficient for safe use. Some gas products such as vent free and direct vent appliances don’t even require the chimney for ventilation.
  • Versatility of Style and Installation.
    Gas fireplaces are available in a variety of styles and colors as well as additions such as glass doors, screens, and more to make your new fireplace fit right into your space.
  • High Efficiency.
    Gas burns cleanly and completely, releasing minimal byproducts. Heat output can be 3x that of a traditional open wood fireplace, and gas fireplaces are perfect for zone heating through winter.

Wood Products

Nothing conjures images of relaxing long winter nights like the traditional fireplace. Homeowners tend to enjoy the beautiful and natural flame that a wood fire allows. Today’s wood appliances are more efficient than ever, and as beautiful as ever.

  • More Efficient Than Ever.
    Wood stoves are more efficient due to advancement in industry technologies. Closed units such as stoves and fireplace inserts allow for a more complete burn and higher heat output.
  • Renewable Fuel Source.
    If you’re lucky enough to own your own property to cut your own wood, wood is a great option for you. However, even if you cannot cut your own, it is easy to find locally sold properly-seasoned firewood for an affordable price.
  • Aesthetically Pleasing.
    Wood stoves are highly efficient and have glass doors that allow you to see the beautiful yellow flame you look for in a fireplace. The smell of a wood fire is more pleasing than that of gas, and the heat is more natural and concentrated.

If you’re trying to decide between a wood or gas fireplace, an expert can help you during every step of the planning process. Whether you have a new construction, remodel, or upgrade in mind, a certified chimney sweep can help you decide on the best product for your home when you call Chesapeake Chimney at 410-535-0052.